Dag, Zaterdag, Avond en E-learning
Ervaren en gecertificeerde trainers
Boost your requirements management skills and get certified by the global standard.
After this training you will have the skills to:
This training is suitable for you if you are involved in Requirements Engineering and Management and wish to delve further in Management of Requirements.
This training is meant for: people in Requirements Engineering, business analysis, business engineering, software- and system development, product management, release planning, and other departments who want to deepen their knowledge about management of requirements.
Discover the essentials of Requirements Engineering in this interactive three-day training. You will learn about Requirements Engineering from both theoretical and practical perspectives. You will also engage in exercises and discussions to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. To help you prepare for the certification exam, you will take mock tests during the course and review the curriculum in the evenings.
Candidates for the CPRE Requirements Management Practitioner level examination must already have received the CPRE Foundation Level certificate (IREB Foundation)
Computrain uses the most up-to-date study materials, specifically developed for this training. You also have access to a modern online learning environment, e-Connect. This platform contains all the information you need for the training, as well as additional resources. Moreover, you can easily communicate with other participants.
Betaal je je opleiding zelf, of doet je werkgever dit? Voor veel van onze opleidingen kun je gebruikmaken van interessante financiële voordelen. Welke mogelijkheden er zijn, lees je terug in onze subsidiebrochure.
Opleiding op locatie
Bij Computrain regelen wij een arrangement voor jou bestaande uit onbeperkt koffie, thee en ijswater. Het dagarrangement is inclusief een uitgebreide lunch. De arrangementskosten bedragen € 30,- per dag of € 10,- per avond. Als er locatiekosten vermeld worden in het kostenoverzicht, worden deze kosten aan je doorberekend. De locatiekosten bedragen € 35,- per dag of € € 20.- per avond.
Virtual Classroom of E-learning
Wanneer je ervoor kiest om een van onze opleidingen online via een e-learning of virtual classroom te volgen, worden er geen locatie- en arrangementkosten in rekening gebracht.